Seth Mcfarlane is an American Producer, Animator, TV series writer who was born on October the 26th 1973. He is most well know for his great success in the creation of the animated television comedy series "Family guy".

  Seth Mcfarlane has created multiple animated TV shows such as Family guy, American Dad, and The Cleveland Show. Seth Mcfarlane has also been known to make Guest Appearances in certain movies. Seth Mcfarlane has managed to obtain a 100 million dollar deal with FOX TV BROADCASTING which has made him one of the most well paid tv writers/producers of all time. Seth Macfarlane started off as a simple animator and animated short producer, he then moved on to work with animating on Cartoon Network, his work on Cartoon network was observed by executives at FOX and Seth was given the task to create an animated comedy show which he would call Family guy and that would make him millions.

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