Family Guy

 Family guy aired for the first time on January 31st 1999 on FOX BROADCASTING NETWORK. Family guy is an animated comedy TV show created by Seth Mcfarlane. Family guy is centered around the Griffin family and their members, Peter the father, Lois the wife, their three kids Chris, Meg, Stewie and their Intellectual dog Brian.

Family guy has been widely successful within a large range of people, younger teenagers from around 14 years old and more widely enjoy and support the show for its humorous and entertaining content. Family guy also targets an older audience as it is appreciable by people of all ages from 14 and above as that is the age limit to be able to watch the show, as said by FOX.

Family guy is also frequently criticized and accused of inappropriate political, sexual and social  content/jokes which offend some groups of people. These usual groups who accuse Family guy are usually strong religious or social groups. But even so Family guy still stands high and mighty as one of the most well enjoyed animated TV comedies that exist at this present time.

Family guy is available on many TV channels such as FOX and ADULT SWIM.

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