Creation of Family guy

 Before Family guy even existed the man who created it Seth Mcfarlane was working as an animator on Cartoon network. He would work on quite a few different shows and animations and soon enough FOX BROADCASTING recognised his talent and employed him to create an animated tv comedy program which he would call Family guy.

 Family guy started on FOX as a low level show that was not very known among TV watchers. And during the first 2 seasons the animation quality of Family guy was quite low quality and for this reason also less people watched it. But as slowly the number of people watching Family guy grew and it started to get better and better reviews, more money was put into Family guy around the 4th season to allow its animation quality to get better and also the Family guy team started putting more work and effort into plotting Family guy episodes, jokes, and storyline. Since then Family guy has become a very popular show enjoyed by many people around the world.

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